Sunday, July 05, 2009

Darcy's Passions

O-kay this story is good, but as to the the writing...

Yes the story, or rather the concept is good. But the agonies of the writing have to be endured to be believed. Let me save you the struggle.
Just how many times can "flashng eyes" be mentioned before we must inwardly groan. And always in inverted comma's or "speech marks" as they are so often referrred to the theses days. But mostly no one was speaking.
Perhaps the author meant flashing eyes, or even flashing eyes ..when flashing eyes would have done or just plain eyes. Or someting else...I did however also become fed up with the references to the lavender fragrence Lizzy preferred.

How much shorter and more effective this book would have been if Mr Darcy struggled only once - well alright, twice, but not over and over. - to resist the eyes of Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Only to fail and then try again, and again and again. Was not Mr Darcy a man of unusally strong self discipline?

Who amongst you can Ever imagine Mr Darcy saying to Miss Elizabeth (but speaking to his sister)
'I bet Miss Elizabeth has a book with her...'
rejocing in the 'fall'?

Pride and Prejudice is a quintessential ENGLISH novel. Set in that would be Autumn. Would it not?

Rating: You have been warned: 2**
finally let's not even discuss the book cover: words fail me.

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