Saturday, March 10, 2007

a small progress report

I may not have posted much here lately or written a lot in the last month however
my characters are alive and their story continues to unfold in my head.

As my relationship with them continues I am finding subtle shades and traits to their individual
personalities. Some of them have surprised me with actions or depths of feeling I had not expected.

I am working on Book 3 and Book 1/2 - this seems to have combined; which is fine.

Working on B3 has allowed me to recognise what needs to go in B1 with regard to fine detail.

Futhermore, B1/2 enables me to 'plant' events and experiences that will cause certain responses later.

1 comment:

elysabeth said...

I've been keeping up with both of these blogs of yours and you don't seem to be doing much writing - you okay there? I know life is going on and there have been illnesses and such but we can't forget our writing - E :)